Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sci-Fi Dropship/District 9

 Dropship Front Render : Modeled in 3dsmax.
Dropship Back Render/Wireframe.
Image Ref/Dropship from District 9.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Sci-Fi Console

3D Test I did for a game company. The target was a sci-fi console. My idea was a field generator the player would have to deactivate in order to progress further in the game. Maybe access something secret ;)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

M41A Rifle/Aliens

Pulse Rifle/AO Render 1920x1080.
 Pulse Rifle/Wireframe Render02 1920x1080.
Image Ref.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sci-Fi Colony Hallway

Sci-Fi Hallway-Screenshot 01
Sci-Fi Hallway-Screenshot 02
Detail : Windows and right wall.
Detail : Left side wall.
Concept Art used as reference created by Ariel Alvarez.
 Texture 1024x1024 : Used to map left and right walls.
Texture 1024x1024 : Used to map floor.